Anna Benjamin – Oleander & ASh

You don’t notice the light without a bit of shadow. Everything has both dark and light. You have to play with it till you get it exactly right.

ABOUT the owner

HI! I’m Anna

A Milwaukee based surface pattern designer. I am also a wife, mother, survivor, bibliophile, dog owner, storyteller, painter, quilter, embroidery artist, party thrower, and passionate home maker. I have lived a creative life for as long as I can remember. Always finding a way to express myself through some kind of art.

Creative Business

I have worked in creative industries for more than 2 decades. For much of my career I worked as a 3D Texture Artist, creating assets for 3D applications. In many ways this was the stepping stone to Surface Pattern Design as the majority of my projects were creating clothing pieces/collections. I have also designed digital scrapbooking materials, done chalkboard art for local businesses, and designed a statue that would become the worlds largest 3D printed figure.

in my home


Color. Every room in our little house is filled with color. When we bought this house in 2006 the very first thing I did was start putting paint on the walls.


Art. Art everywhere. Our little home is filled with an eclectic collection of art. Each room has a dedicated collection of art pieces. The rooms tell the stories of our life.


Books. Growing up in the 70s were were not really allowed to watch television, so books were my entertainment and my friends. Today our house (as tiny as it is) houses thousands of books.

A few of my favorite things

My little blue house, thunderstorms, quiet mornings, curated playlists, fresh flowers in the kitchen, books, cuddling with my dogs, Bourbon, and dark chocolate.